Some people like to shoot

There are people who would not touch a firearm for anything in the world. And our society is fully suitable for them in this regard. We have peace here, military service has been abolished, it is so safe here that normal people do not have to buy firearms for their own defense, such weapons are not even an essential fashion accessory here. And those who avoid them can do without them for their entire lives.

People who like firearms, however, have a harder time with us. They may love a similar type of weapon, but firearms may still be inaccessible to them. Sometimes because of their price, but sometimes because only people with a firearms passport can own and use such weapons, i.e. those who are well-checked and apparently do not pose a risk to those around them. And firearms can of course only be used by people who have a place where they can shoot in complete safety.

So we have people who would like to shoot, but do not have access to any proper weapon. But does this mean that such people will never shoot any weapon? Maybe so, but maybe not. It may happen that no one will ever entrust any weapon to those interested, and they will therefore have to give up their desires, or at best they will only be able to dream about shooting, but there are also people who can arrange it. And it is actually not a difficult task.

Such people do not have to go through the trouble of obtaining a firearms license, nor do they have to spend a lot of money on their dream weapon, and do not have to look for a place where they will not harm anyone with their shooting. There are also people who know that we have a shooting range in the middle of the Czech Republic, where instructors lend weapons to visitors, teach them how to use them, and then allow customers to shoot at targets with such weapons. And not only Czechs, but also English-speaking foreigners can succeed here. And maybe even you personally. Just come here and you can shoot whatever you want.

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